Sunday, August 11, 2013

The place about cape town of South Africa.

cape town tourist information

Cape town,south africa,pictures,pics
Cape Town is also known as the Mother City in South Africa. It is also one of the most iconic cities. The city is famous for its harbour as well as its natural setting in the Cape floral kingdom, as well as for such well-known landmarks as Table Mountain and Cape Point.
+Cape Town night look,

Cape Town is also Africa's most popular tourist destination. For thousands of years, Cape Town was inhabited by the Strandloper (ancestors of Kalahari Bushmen). Cape Town in particular and being the principal hub of the The Western Cape Tourism Industry is now comparable to established tourism destinations of the World with regards to service and quality.

Where else in the World can you find fantastic climatic conditions coupled with magnificent scenery and accommodation facilities second to none!Cape Town's European history began in 1652, when Jan van Riebeeck established a trading post there on behalf of the VOC (Dutch East Indies Company). The first European settlers were mainly Dutch, with some French Huguenots that had to flee from religious persecution in their home country.

Cape Town nature,pictures,pics

The summer months are from December to February. Days are usually hot, but the humidity is low, so it is not uncomfortable. You should stay inside or in the shade during the midday heat and use sufficient sun block. You will fight for space on the beach around New Year's with all the local tourists but it is still a great time to visit as there are a lot of events happening
Best times to visit are:
  • October and November: The weather is getting warmer. Spring is in the air, but it is not as hot as mid-summer yet. These months can be windy months. The South-Easter is known as the Cape Doctor as it blows away a great deal of pollution!
  • December to February: These are the prime summer months of long hot days. The sun sets late in the evening (it stays light up until about 8:30PM in December) and there is generally a lot going on. February is the most reliable month for weather, with week after week of hot days.
March to May: This can change from year to year, but generally it starts raining and the temperature begins to become cooler. There are far fewer visitors around, and you can get excellent deals on accommodation, food and most tourism services.

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